Special Educational Needs Policy
Cheeky Minds is available to all children, including those with a diagnosed disability or a child facing additional developmental challenges. Our role as your tiney childminder is to offer support, guidance and to ensure the best provision is made available for each child.
We are committed to the inclusion of all children. All children have the right to be cared for and educated to develop to their full potential alongside their peers through positive experiences, to enable them to share opportunities and experiences and develop and learn from each other. We provide a positive and welcoming environment where children are supported according to their individual needs and we work hard to ensure no children are discriminated against or put at a disadvantage as a consequence of their needs..
Children with disabilities and those with special educational needs will have opportunities to play and join in activities along with the other children in our care. Parents and children will be shown around our home to ensure that if a child has a disability, the home will suit their needs. We will access toys and if necessary special equipment to meet a child’s individual needs if required and this will be discussed with each parents/carer.
Early identification of special educational needs is very important to ensure the most effective support strategies are put in place and we will work closely with parents/carers to identify a child's individual achievements and areas where they might need some more support. From our observations and our ongoing communication, we will be able to discuss any concerns either myself or you, as a parent, may have. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage and make regular observations and assessments to track each child's learning journey and progress. This will be formalised in assessments that will be shared with you at regular stages of each child's time in Cheeky Minds Childcare.
What if my child has a diagnosis of additional needs?
As childminders, we offer a caring and homely environment to help your child feel safe and secure. We work closely with all parents during the settling-in period to ensure each child is supported and their individual needs are met. We will ask all parents/carers to provide us with the information required to effectively and appropriately meet each child's care and developmental needs.
Prior to committing to a contract, we will ensure that I am able to meet each child’s individual care needs, and that a plan of care is agreed with parents/carers
We may ask for details of any other professionals involved with each child to ensure a team around the child is created to best meet their needs and throughout their placement at my setting, We will ensure that the lines of communication are open and effective. All of this will be through a transparent process with you as the parent/carer.
We are able to administer long-term and short-term prescribed medicines. If necessary, we will undergo training on administering a particular medicine.
If additional training or connection with outside professionals is required to ensure the child is safe in our care, this will be completed prior to a child starting their placement with me.
We will contact SEND support at tiney to inform them of the placement and to seek any additional advice or support that will enable us to provide the best care for the child.
We believe it is extremely important for children's individual interests and needs to be respected, the views of the child, where appropriate to do so, will be sought at all times to ensure they are contributing to their own plan of support. This process will be adapted to enable all children, those who are verbal and non verbal to be able to express their views, ideas and opinions.
An individual support plan (ISP) will be developed for children with a special educational need or disability which outlines short term targets to support the child’s learning. This will be regularly reviewed with parents/carers and an ongoing working document allowing for the child's ever changing needs and developmental progress. The ISP will align with the SEN code of practice (2015) recommendation of the graduated approach, Good practice of working together with parents/carers, and the observation and monitoring of children’s individual progress, will help identify any child with special educational needs or disability.
The graduated approach - assess, plan, do, review
What if an additional need is identified whilst the child is in our care?
Within our role as a tiney childminder we will be recording information on the child’s development and behaviours regularly in order to build a picture as to what they can do and are happy doing in order to plan for future learning and development. If through this process, developmental concerns are identified, these will be shared with parents/carers. A meeting will be arranged to discuss how we can work effectively together to support the child and the family.
As a tiney childminders we will:
Keep observational records
Share these with the child’s parents/carers
Discuss what support is available.
Keep all matters confidential
Work with parents / carers to decide what action to take next
We will undertake training where possible in order to gain more knowledge and understanding of a child with additional needs.
Seek additional guidance and support from the tiney SEND support
Ensure I am aware of the LA SEND offer in order to signpost families to local support services
Further assessment and support - Education and Health Plan (EHC)
Some children and young people may require an EHC needs assessment in order to decide whether it is necessary to develop an EHC plan. The purpose of an EHC plan is to make adjustments and offer support to meet the special educational needs of the child, to secure the best possible outcomes for them across education, health and social care. We will work closely with the parents/carer to support them through this process and signpost to relevant support networks and services.
Our ongoing commitment
We will continue to have high aspirations for all children and support them to achieve to their full potential
We will ensure we keep our knowledge and practises up to date regarding areas of additional need and disability
Make reasonable adjustments to our physical environment to ensure it is, as far as possible suitable for children and adults with disabilities accessing our tiney home
Provide a broad, balanced, aspirational early learning environment for all children with SEN and/or disabilities and differentiated activities to meet all individual needs and abilities
We will attend training offered through tiney and other relevant sources
We will continue to work with regards to this policy at all times and my statutory responsibilities within the early years foundation stage statutory framework
We will continue to provide the best care, environment and support for each child and family accessing my tiney home
We will continue to work in effective partnership with parents/carers at all times
We will continue to share and work in conjunction with other professionals involved in the child's care plan
Ensure that all children are treated as individuals/equals and are supported to take part in every aspect of the nursery day according to their individual needs and abilities
Encourage children to value and respect others
Promote positive images and role models during play experiences of those with additional needs wherever possible
Challenge inappropriate attitudes and practises
Ensure that children who learn at an accelerated pace e.g. gifted and talented children are also supported
Celebrate diversity in all aspects of play and learning
74 Andover Road
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Mon-Fri, 8:00-18:00