Complaints Policy
This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework for childminders states:
3.82 Childminders are not required to have a written procedure for handling complaints, but they must keep a record of any complaints they receive and their outcome. Childminders must:
Investigate written complaints relating to how they are fulfilling the EYFS requirements.
Notify the person who made the complaint of the outcome of the investigation within 28 days of having received the complaint.
Make the record of complaint/s available to Ofsted or the relevant CMA on request.
3.83 Childminders must make available to parents and/or carers the details about how to contact Ofsted or their CMA as appropriate, if they believe the childminder is not meeting the EYFS requirements.
What our policy states:
We are a member of the tiney community and registered with tiney as our childminder agency.
As a tiney childminder we provide a quality-led, safe, hospitable, home-based educational environment for the children and families we work with. We have agreed to abide by tiney’s provider commitments and work within the terms of our agreed contract to ensure that all aspects of your experience with me are delightful.
However, there may be times when you are not happy with some part of the service we have provided to you. Please come and speak to us directly in this case so we can identify the cause of the complaint and work with you to find a solution. Face to face communication is far better in these instances as it helps to avoid misunderstandings. We will always make every effort to accommodate these conversations at a suitable time for you, ideally when there are no children present. If you prefer not to discuss the issues with us in person then please use any other form of communication (text, in-app message, email, letter) to let us know about your concerns.
The EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework for childminders) says that we must investigate any complaints that relate to the EYFS requirements and respond to you within 28 days. In some instances, it may be more appropriate for tiney to investigate the complaint, in which case we will pass all details to them to investigate. In either case, you will receive written notification of the outcome of the complaint within 28 days.
74 Andover Road
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Mon-Fri, 8:00-18:00